Tuesday 29 November 2011

Think of an island

Eleven kilometres long, four kilometres wide.
Beautiful white sandy beaches.
Clean sparkling water.
Smooth paved roads all around.
No cars. Only a few service vehicles are allowed.
Pedestrians and bicycle riders have right-of-way over any motor vehicles.
The pace is leisurely.
This is a holiday island.
The few motor vehicles that are on the island are not permitted to park on the street overnight, they must be put out of the way in a separate compound.
Their speed limit is 20 km/h in the villages and 40 km/h on the open roads.
Several of the roads do not allow any motor vehicles at all.

In this cycling paradise people have to wear a helmet by law. Madness.

This is Rottnest Island in Western Australia, just a thirty minute boat ride from the city of Fremantle.

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